Laptop Agreement

This agreement represents an outline of the Laptop Policies & Procedures. By signing this agreement, students and parents/guardians agree to follow the Policies & Procedures. Students and parent/guardians are encouraged to read and understand these Policies & Procedures prior to signing this agreement.

Parent​ ​Responsibilities:
Your child has been issued a computer to improve and personalize his/her education. It is essential that the GLR Acceptable Use Policy be followed to
ensure safe, efficient and ethical operation of the district’s computer. In​ ​order​ ​for​ ​your​ ​child​ ​to use​ ​the​ ​computer​ ​in​ ​class​ ​and​ ​take​ ​it​ ​home, you​ ​must​ ​be​ ​willing​ ​to​ ​accept​ ​the​ ​following terms​ ​and​ ​responsibilities.
– I will read the Acceptable Use Policy and discuss it with my child.
– I will read the Damage Policy and discuss it with my child.
– I will supervise my child’s use of the computer at home.
– I will make sure my child charges the computer nightly and begins the school day with a fully-charged battery.
– I will discuss the appropriate use of the internet and supervise my child’s use of the internet.
– I will not attempt to repair the computer.
– I will report any problems or damage to the GLR technology coordinator.
– I will not load or delete any software from the computer​ ​except personal documents of my child.
– I will report loss/theft of the computer to the school and proper authorities within 24 hours.
– I agree to make sure that the​ ​computer is returned to the school when requested and upon my student’s withdrawal from the GLR-CSD.

Student​ ​Responsibilities:
Your computer should be used for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. In​ ​order​ ​to use​ ​the​ ​computer​ ​in​ ​class​ ​and​ ​to​ ​take​ ​it​ ​home, you​ ​must​ ​be​ ​willing​ ​to​ ​accept​ ​the following terms​ ​and​ ​responsibilities:
– I will read the Acceptable Use Policy and discuss it with my parent/guardian.
– I will read the Damage Policy and discuss it with my parent/guardian.
– I will adhere to the terms of the GLR-CSD Acceptable Use Policy and Damage Policy each time the computer is used, at home or at school.
– I will recharge the computer nightly and begin the school day with a fully-charged
– I will bring the computer to school each day.
– I will use appropriate language in all communications.
– I will abide by copyright laws.
– I will never share personal information over the internet.
– I will not remove programs or files from the computer.
– I will not use the computer to record (audio or visual) other without staff permission.
– I will not install, download or otherwise utilize any software that is not authorized
by the GLR Technology Department.
– I will treat the computer with care by not dropping it, leaving it outdoors or using it with food or drink nearby.
– I will not personalize the device by the use of stickers, markers, pencils, etc.
– I will keep all accounts and passwords assigned to me secure, and will not share these with any other students.
– I agree that e-mail (or any other computer communication) should be used only for appropriate communication.
– I will return the computer when requested and upon my withdrawal from the GLR-CSD.

Laptop Agreement

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Clear Signature
  • Clear Signature

If you would like information about GLR schools or if there is any way we can assist you, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would love to give you more information about any of our schools.

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