This form has three parts to it. Please read each section and fill out the corresponding part of the form for each section. The first section asks for parental consent for your child to use the internet while at school. The second section is for permission to use pictures of your child or student-created materials for public relations purposes and the third section is for your child to sign in agreement with these guidelines. The form will have to be filled out separately for each child attending George-Little Rock.
George-Little Rock Community School District Consent to Student Use of the District’s Computers, Computer Network Systems and Internet Access
Part 1
I am the parent or guardian of the student named below and I hereby certify that I have received, read and understand the George-Little Rock Community School District’s Appropriate Use of Computers, Computer Network Systems and the Internet policy described in the Laptop Policy Handbook.
I recognize that although the George-Little Rock Community School District has taken measures to restrict access to controversial materials, it cannot guarantee that students will be protected from accessing any controversial materials during the student’s use of the District’s computers, computer network systems and the internet.
I accept full responsibility for my student’s use of the District’s computers, computer network systems and the internet through the District in accordance with the terms, conditions and guidelines as stated by the District in its policies and regulations and as set out in federal and state law. I relieved the George-Little Rock Community School District and its officers and employees, from any and all financial responsibility that may be incurred by my student’s use of the District’s computers, computer network systems and the internet.
Part 2
The school district will be posting student-created materials and pictures of events, activities and special days on the school district’s website. Pictures and student-created materials may also appear on individual teacher’s websites that are part of the school district’s website. This applies to students in both the elementary and the Jr./Sr. high school.
Any pictures or student-created materials posted online would be accessible by the general public, as that part of our website would not be controlled by a password. We will not post the last name of any student pictured and will attempt to minimize identifying information. However, due to uniform numbers, costumes and/or other factors, specific student identification might be possible. For student-created materials, we will use only the student’s first name and initial of last name.
By indicating your consent below, you are authorizing the George-Little Rock School District to post pictures of your child and student-created materials and are releasing, on behalf of you and your children, spouse, heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives and next of kin, the George-Little Rock Community School District, its officers, directors, agents and employees, from any and all injury, damages and claims of any kind which may arise as a result of or in connection with the posting of a picture or student-created materials. I hereby give the District permission to publish my child’s work, picture and/or first name on the internet through the District’s website and/or teacher-created websites.
Part 3
If you have consented to your child’s use of the District’s computers, computer network systems and internet access, please have your child review and sign the following. If your child is not able to read and/or comprehend this form, please review the policy with him/her and sign on his/her behalf.
I have read and/or understand the George-Little Rock Community School District’s Appropriate Use of Computers, Computer Network systems and Internet policy and agree to abide by its provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions will result in the restriction and/or termination of my ability to use the District’s computers, computer network systems and internet access and may result in further discipline up to and including expulsion and/or other legal action. I agree to be responsible for payment of costs incurred by accessing any internet services that have a cost involved.