GLR Wellness

Here you will find forms and information to get your child(ren) ready for the school year, as well as some ideas for healthy snacks to give to your child(ren). You will also find action plans in the case of an emergency with asthma or a food allergy.

Screening Notification:

Hearing: Conducted annually by Area Education Agency 12. Includes students in Preschool thru 5th grade, 8th grade students and students new to Iowa.

Vision: Conducted by Health Services of Lyon County Includes students in 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th grades and per request of a parent or teacher.

Dental: conducted by school nurse or I-Smiles coordinator. Includes students in Kindergarten and 9th grade.

Healthy snack list:

– Fresh or dried fruit
– Vegetables
– Pretzels
– Popcorn
– Cheese and crackers
– Muffins
– Yogurt
– Chips and salsa
– Applesauce
– Smoothies
– Water
– 100% fruit juice

If you would like information about GLR schools or if there is any way we can assist you, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would love to give you more information about any of our schools.